Cooked. Yes, cooked. That is what my brain is capable of thinking after a crappy fever yesterday. And wow, it's been over a year since my last post!
I've forgotten my account password (as usual), my blog layout is dead, and there's so many things to share!
So, what's new? I'll see what I can cook up with my fever-fried brain;
I'm currently watching Ugly Betty! Shut up, I'm not outdated. I just choose to watch it now. Period.

America Ferrera, you're amazing!
Oh, and btw, I've gotten hooked on to Glee too. And Darren Criss. Did I mention that I'm listening to their songs as I'm typing this out? Awesome series, it's as if I'm on crack.

Glee! Season 3 promo. Can't wait for Sept 20 for S03E01!
Speaking of crack, I've been hooked on Cracked as well. It's one heck of an entertaining website with almost credible facts. I mean, Wikipedia is a good reference, right? Right?? But seriously, it's not as bad as I made it seem. This should have you convinced to stay and check the site out. After all that's what it did to me!
I've changed my job for the 3rd time and is, once again, back to working in Kota Kemuning. It's a decently huge property company, and while I don't get as much perks as I do back in my days working in an MNC, at least I'm getting job satisfaction here.

'Cause really, accounting? Like I'll ever be happy.
Surprise surprise, I have a boyfriend! My first ever serious relationship. Whom I don't feel comfortable letting my friends know about. Who, btw, isn't that crush that I was talking about a few posts back. Urgh, I don't even know why I brought this topic up. Still, we lasted 9 months. I mean, we've been dating for 9 months. So whatever happens, it's still a personal best for me. And I know that's mean of me to say that. But for someone who can't last in an open relationship longer than 3 months, that's saying a lot.
On to a brighter note, I went to Singapore earlier this year! Yay! It was great to walk on the streets without having to worry about pickpockets. Or kidnappers. That shows how "safe" our Malaysian streets are, with their kidnappers and acid splashers.
I've also started going to the gym and have taken up swimming as well to keep myself fit. Though it's rather ironic, since I fell sick from my swimming session last Friday...
Also, if you've read my previous post, I've since dyed my hair, permed it, and is going to cut my hair yet again. If I hadn't fell sick, I would've went to my favourite hairstylist and gotten a haircut already. Shoulder length, maybe? Hmm...
And... I can't think of what I had wanted to say next. So I shall leave now and try to fix my blog layout.
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