Time literally flies!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009
6.19pm, Thursday, January 22 2009

I feel like someone has set my life into overdrive. Can someone put it back to normal?

Home is usually my refuge from college. Back home, I have unlimited food and drinks without having to even walk out of my house. I can sleep at midnight, and wake up at 11am the next morning. (not any later. Parents would grumble if I sleep in any later than 11am) And best of all, I can truly relax and be dependent on my mom. (instead of being Ms Independent and Ms Lone Ranger all the time in college)

But since the new semester started, I have been sleeping past 1am and waking up early morning, out of my house all the time, and sometimes even skipping my oh-so-important breakfast just to get things done.

Okay, so maybe this is all due to the preparation for CNY (to those who don't know, it means Chinese New Year). But, could there be more than what it seems to be? Somehow, I have a feeling that something is amiss.

Maybe it's the increased time that I'm spending with my friends? Or could it be due to me having to be on the go at all times just to tend to my many issues all at once? (assignments, friends, assignments, events, more assignments, etc. I did mention assignments, right?)

Whatever it is, I'm not used to this lifestyle. What happened to my laidback schedule last year????

I miss the times where I could spend the whole night reading or researching on my hobbies, (paper craft is teh lurve! <3) or when I could just laze around on my bed accompanied with my trusted Readers Digest mags while listening to the music.

Oh well. I guess it really is true that you have to be careful what you wish for coz you just might get it.

Not that I'm hating the part about hanging out with my friends. Be it MAG club friends or INTIMA peepz or others, it's just plain syok to be with them. =D After all, it's my last sem. Must play to the maxxxxx!!!!! Too bad my DC++ YC (Yum cha AKA supper) gang has left though... where's my many last YCs???!!! Where's my multiple rounds of YC????!!!! *meeps* ;_; It sucks when YC isn't the way of INTI students anymore. sigh...

Anyway, I hope that things will calm down after CNY, though I'm doubting it would. After all, how "calm" can ones life get when you're taking 4 subjects in your final semester which includes your final year research assignment + paper, 2 full coursework subject (shitfuck, KLCC subject le. Confirm die), and a Econ+Finance paper with a lecturer who talks crap?

Maybe I just need to have a better time management. =X

Okay, enough with my incoherent, nostalgic nonsense. With this, Lysa wishes all her nonexistent readers a Happy Chinese New Year!!

Welcome the year of the Ox/Bull by wearing GREEN, not RED peepz! You don't want to be chased by an angry bull now, do you? ;-D So instead, offer it some grass! Hehehe...