
Friday, January 16, 2009
12.16am, Friday, January 16, 2009

It's been quite a while since I've updated my journal, eh? Well, that's what happens when I stop writing down my thoughts. Everything gets jumbled up and I find it hard to write it all out at once.

So I'll get started by writing what has been bothering me lately. I'd rather get it all off my chest here rather than to go around being a total bitch.


Now, I'm pretty sure that I said something about my resolution to get back into the dating scene in my previous post.

But if these are the kind of guys that are asking me out, I'D RATHER BE SINGLE THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

I mean, who would go around saying stuff like, "You're always in your room is it, your leg so fair wan?" Fair?? FAIR???? Is that all you notice about me? My fat legs and how fair it is?? Well, if you're using that as a compliment, it's definitely not working. For all I know, I'm not all that fair. (It's hard to be fair when you love the sun and gardening...) So how else can I reply other than lamely going, "Uh, yeah, I guess I hardly go out." and stomp off to class before he could say anything more repulsive. All because I felt like wearing a skirt to class.

I suppose I should have expected that from him. That's what you get when you get too friendly with guys online, you know. Flirt with a guy once and he'll ignore your Sorry-I-flirted-with-you-but-I'm-REALLY-not-interested signals. Only applicable in INTI-UC, where girls are aplenty and guys are not used to being ignored.

It's been a long, loooonnnngggg time since I've gotten calls from friends whom I am not close with. So when I received a call from an unknown number, the last thing I'd expect is a (very) distant friend to suddenly call and ask, "Hi, do you know who I am?/Do you remember me?"


Don't get all friendly with me when you hardly chatted with me on MSN. Besides, what's wrong with you people who calls and expects me to instantly know who you are when you've never even given me your phone number?? And you have the GUTS to get ANGRY when I don't know who you are?????

Thank God I have gotten loads of training on receiving calls from unknown people when I was getting famous in DC++. The most memorable call would be from "PISS_OFF_DUN_HIDE_RETURN" - yes, that's his nick in DC++. Lolz - that went "LysathisisPissOffYCnowfasterI'mwaitingatyourblockdy *line cuts*" before I even have the time to go, HUH??!?!?!

Really, much thanks to those who have given my handphone number to every Tom Dick and Harry who asked for my number in DC++. =D It's been a great experience. (Yes, I'm being sarcastic. Duh)

Anyway, in any case, I guess it was a mistake to have recognize that fella correctly, since he further went on to chat with me for almost half an hour, before asking me out. But it's really too bad that I'm busy lately, what with my CNY spring cleaning and assignments and all. (phew...)

And here comes the final blow - a random black dude hitting on me. Why can't I have an uneventful semester in INTI-UC?? Is that too much to ask for??

And to add salt to injury, his first sentence was, "Hi, have we met before? You look familiar" Uh, hello?? In case you didn't realise, it's very LAME and UNORIGINAL. Do all strangers use that pick up line on girls, or am I just the unlucky one? Or maybe it's just a standard procedure that they have to use that line when they're hitting on an unfortunate lady?

Anyway... the most befitting reply to stranger who approaches you with such stupidity would be "NoIdon'tknowyou", fuck face included.

So... can you really blame me for being in a bad mood lately? And can you really blame me for being single when guys whom I like is not asking me out, but instead I'm getting attention weirdos'??


Seriously, what is WRONG with the guys in INTI-UC??