Long story, short post

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
4.33pm, Wednesday, February 25 2009

Sorry for the lack of updates. The past few weeks have been an emotionally stressful period for me.

Close friends went off overseas to further their studies, 

lecturers are gleefully giving out multiple assignments (and clashing due dates. Thx for the extra stress, sir)

weather has been temperamental, 

my computer has been acting up (had to reformat it, which costs me an effing RM60 wtf)

realised my true feelings for *cough* and developed a major crush on *coughcough* whom I know likes someone else (major OUCH. And I'm confused. Can you love someone, and yet madly like another person?? O_o hmm...)

and much thanks to a certain someone, my tear ducts went haywire for over a week. (my gratitude to the person who had to listen to my rants till the early morning. You know who you are. =D Just don't tell anyone about it, okie?)

Anyway, I'm back to my usual self again. Assignments are on track (or so I hope), lappy is fixed, and as for the other emotional matters, well, like Edward Cullen said, "Mind over matter". >=D I have no control over the weather, so I'll just have to tough it out! Having a terrible thunder storm as I'm typing this - a session of very loud thunder and lightnings, followed by heavy rain. It was SUNNY a couple of hours ago. What's happening to this world??!!?

I'll most probably start posting some random stuff again soon, and expect a post on my latest artwork this weekend! =3