Resolutions for the New Year

Friday, January 2, 2009
Because everyone needs to have a motive (or motiveS) in life to continue living.

Not in any particular order;

1. Celebrate St. Valentine Day - Japanese style.
Give the guys some slack in the gift-giving department and get them a present for Vday in return!
Of course, do it only to guys who DESERVES IT.

2. Get a new laptop CAMERA with my own money.
Coz i'll probably die waiting for my parents to get one for me.
I already saved enough (RM1k is the most I'll spend. I'm not aiming for a DSLR camera anyway) and hopefully I'm done scouting for a camera by early 2009 coz I need to save up for a laptop too.
Any suggestions? Panasonic Lumix or Canon? Hmm..

3. Dedicate more time to my garden.
Coz I'm slacking off, and it's taking a toll on my pitiful plants. >.<

4. Get a stove (or an oven) for mom.
Coz she deserves it.

5. Stop shopping and start saving.
Maybe I'll start by going back to window shopping again. Sigh...
AND NO MORE ONLINE SHOPPING =X (Crap, this will be one hard resolution to keep.)

6. Start dating again.
Guys may be jerks, but not all of them are. Besides, i should probably start getting back into the dating scene again.

7. Learn to be a cam whore.
And hopefully it'll boost my non-existence self esteem...

1. Broke my first resolution on New year by indulging on a book. Damn!! I'm supposed to cut down on my shopping...

2. A belated New Years wish to my readers! (if there are any) Happy New Year 2009!


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year 2009! =)