Ta-dah! Lysa has an IQ of 132!
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is estimated to have an IQ of 165, four points higher than Albert Einstein! I'm so worshipping Mozart now. Musicians are the loved!!
While i doubt that i'm really in the Gifted category, i shall let it pass. =) Maybe all those times where i've been stupid (in one way or another) is due to my low EQ? Lysa shall have to look for an EQ test online...
Was checking out the website about IQs when i bumped into the Monty Hall Problem - again. For those who have read Xiaxue's blog, you should've known about this problem.
Now, some of you might be wondering what's the problem with this Monty Hall Problem. Allow me to explain... :)
What would be your pick? Stay with your choice of door #1, or pick door #2 instead? Most of us will stick to our first choice because, after all, the chances of winning is 50-50 now. That's what I had thought too. Well, think again...
See? If you were to switch your choice, the chances of choosing the right one is 2/3, not 50-50! Should you choose the wrong one, that just shows what dumb luck you have =.=''
Now if you still don't get it, go read it a couple of times again. I can't help anymore. It's hard being Gifted, you know. =P
Here's the IQ Score Guide if you're as blur as me to not know the rankings. (taken from Free-IQTest.net webpage. :P)
Intelligence Interval | Cognitive Designation |
40 - 54 | Severely challenged (Less than 1% of test takers) |
55 - 69 | Challenged (2.3% of test takers) |
70 - 84 | Below average |
85 - 114 | Average (68% of test takers) |
115 - 129 | Above average |
130 - 144 | Gifted (2.3% of test takers) |
145 - 159 | Genius (Less than 1% of test takers) |
160 - 175 | Extraordinary genius |
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is estimated to have an IQ of 165, four points higher than Albert Einstein! I'm so worshipping Mozart now. Musicians are the loved!!
While i doubt that i'm really in the Gifted category, i shall let it pass. =) Maybe all those times where i've been stupid (in one way or another) is due to my low EQ? Lysa shall have to look for an EQ test online...
Was checking out the website about IQs when i bumped into the Monty Hall Problem - again. For those who have read Xiaxue's blog, you should've known about this problem.
Now, some of you might be wondering what's the problem with this Monty Hall Problem. Allow me to explain... :)
"Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors. Behind one door is a car, the others, goats. You pick a door, say #1, and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens another door, say #3, which has a goat. He says to you: 'Do you want to pick door #2?' Is it to your advantage to switch your choice of doors?" —Craig F. Whitaker, Columbia, Maryland
What would be your pick? Stay with your choice of door #1, or pick door #2 instead? Most of us will stick to our first choice because, after all, the chances of winning is 50-50 now. That's what I had thought too. Well, think again...
The common assumption is that by removing a goatless door, the host is giving you a 50/50 chance of success regardless of which of the two remaining doors you pick. But Vos Savant reasoned that by switching your choice of doors, your probability of winning a car increases to 2/3, while sticking with door #1 sticks you with a 1/3 chance.Get it? It took me a couple of times to read and re-read before i could understand the logic of changing your choice. To those who still don't get it, maybe this will help;

Now if you still don't get it, go read it a couple of times again. I can't help anymore. It's hard being Gifted, you know. =P
I knew about the 2/3 probability of winning from the movie 21. =D
Anyway, I got 137. =)
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