Hair cut!

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Had a hair cut during the Raya break. Now i'm loving and hating my new hairstyle...

My old hairstlye. Long and lovely

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Went to APT Bukit Tinggi hoping to have a change in hairstyle and a trim. But that stewpid fella who was attending me said that i shouldn't keep this kinda hairstyle, and that it doesn't suit me. AKA he thinks it's fugly.

He didn't say it, but really, his tone totally gave him away. Wanna say it's ugly then just say la, okay. wtf betul. Somemore can talk in that girly slang. Dude, i know la you're working in a hair salon, but you don't need to talk like that to "click" with your female customers. Unless you're not straight. =\

So after a short arguement, i was too pissed with him and let him have his way. A hairwash and a couple of snips of the scissors (make that couple hundreds of snips =.=), i looked like this;

It's SHORT now


Dah la i took almost 9 months to keep my hair long again (after a hairstylist - also from APT - misjudged 3 inch as 5 inch and practically cut my hair to an unsightly length. It wasn't short, nor was it long! Fugly wei...) Now my hair is f-king short again. I mean, middle length la. =.= Damn

But still, i totally love the fringe lor! It's just that i totally wished he didn't cut it short like this. Nothing much i can do now. Sigh...