2.57am, Wednesday, May 13 2009
Males may or may not fathom the body of context in this post
DBSK diehard fans, before you kill me, READ TILL THE END
Dear blog...
Yes, I do realise that it is almost 3am in the morning right now. But whatever. I've just finished editing my resume (for God knows how many times now), and I HAVE INSPIRATIONS TO BLOG!!
Now, May's blog is one that I'd check once every couple of days. It's always interesting to read her blog, whether it's to vent out about her colleague with the Doraemon ringtone, bitch about Malaysian Dream Girls, or drool over smexy celebrities like Korean singer Rain.
So truth be told, I was SHOCKED to read that she likes Micky from DBSK. I mean, of all the 5 uber handsome and pretty faced boys of the K-pop group, you telling me that she's drooling over Micky?? What have the world turned into??!
Well, that's what I thought anyway, until the pictures loaded (the line was fast. It's just that I read faster. =P) and I found out why she thinks that Micky is drool-worthy.
Now don't get me wrong, I used to adore them. Still do, actually. Heck, I even have their songs in my K-pop playlist together with Rains'! (In loop, no less!) Besides, how can one dislikes JaeJoong/Hero? He's uber pretty... @_@
*ahem* Back to the point, K-pop artists generally will have a new look and style for each of their newly launched album. It can be easily observed simply by looking through Rain's debut album to his latest album, Rainism.
DBSK too, had gone through punk (for Tri-angle), to the innocent and pure look (Hug. Sweetest.Song.Ever.) to just plain cute (Balloons. Cuteness! *Swoons*) But these are just ridiculous!

Noob U-know. (pun not intended)

Actually, if Max would just take off his jacket, he'd still be passably hot.

Sheesh, why isn't JaeJoong in formal clothes like the rest?? For once, his feminine features just made the image worse!
And so, with the usual top 4 pretty boys looking like ^%$#, we're left with Micky....

...who looks gorgeous and sexy for once.
Like May said, and I quote, "There is just something about a man with a clean, CRISP shirt... that drives me insane." It's a very true statement, since I've told my friends countless of times that, "A guy who can't look good in formal wear would be a very sad case."
Also, I believe that the boys' (I'm refering to DBSK) hairstlye have a big impact on their somewhat nerdy looks.
Seriously, what's with the coconut heads?? Maybe that's why Micky looked so handsome, because he's wearing a cap. It covers his hideous hairstyle (and his usual average looks). But whatever. If all it takes is a cap to make him look good for once, then by all means wear it.


Spot the cutie pie?
Saying it with May,
Swooning Lysa, signing out.
Sweet dreams, people!
DBSK? lol.. im not into korean boy bands.. hehe.. =P
reply: erm, orange is kinda like my favourite colour? haha.. =D
cutie pie.....
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