Dear journal...
Yes, I do know that I've been neglecting you for quite some time now. It's been, what, almost a month since my last post? Well, I apologize for the lack of attention.
Also, yes I do remember that I promised to post an entry on about Valentine's day, but, well... let's just say that assignments are pretty much the only thing that occupies my mind right now (LIKE, WTF SO PATHETIC RIGHT??!)
So, yeah...
My Valentine tag isn't done yet, actually. Blame it on writer's block (or artist block??) The design and decorations are done, however I just can't come out with a way to put in the "Happy Valentine" words in it. Nothing seems to fit, nothing seems right!! So I'll have to put it aside for now...
But fret not. Here's some other tags that I made for my friends!
For Jun Jie
For bangau =D
Haha yes I only made 2 birthday tags. And being called TAGS means it's not even a card. No birthday messages, no envelopes, just a plain "Happy Birthday~" tag.
Still, I hope they liked it! The base for JJ's tag was supposed to be used for my Valentine tag. But since I only got to know of his birthdate last minute, I didn't have time to really think of a design. It turned out pretty nicely if I do say so myself.
Oh, and for those who didn't know, March 14 is St White's Day!
No I'm not giving this card to anyone special. It's MINE. >=D
Rose is handmade by me too! I'm awesome, ain't I??
Happy Belated St White's Day, peepz!
Wordings are in purple coz I love the colour. Haha!
I'm sorry but I'm not going to talk about the culture of St White's Day. Do google it if you're curious. I'll probably (hopefully! haha) do a write up about it once my finals are over together with my Valentine's post, since both events are interrelated.
On that note, Lysa will officially go on a hiatus until after my finals or when I have the time and mood to blog again, whichever comes first.
EDIT: Happy St Patrick's Day! St Patrick themed tag will be coming "soon"! =D
p/s: Anyone noticed how the rose seems to be glowing?? Cool, huh? I swear I didn't photoshop it!
p/p/s: If you love Lysa's tags/cards and would love to have one customized for yourself or for friends/loved ones, Lysa takes commission! Prices will depend on how elaborate you want it to be. (Yes, I'm charging, coz ribbons/ blings/ eyelets/ papers/ etc ain't free, you know. Requests are only for close friends.)
p/p/p/s: All pictures on this post belongs to me, Lysa. Do not steal, or I'll happily twist your head off.
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