Took me almost 2 hours to make this snowflake from scratch - cutting strips of papers, quilling, gluing, and finally assembling the papers. Like, wtf right? 2 hours for a snowflake. But whatever la. It's not called a hobby if it doesn't suck your time or energy. (or in this case, both your time AND energy)
The snowflake has a diameter of 10.5cm. Kinda huge, right? I didn't expect it to get so big either.
It's not perfect (unsymmetrical curls, uneven quills, etc) but since it's been months since I last did paper quilling, I’m pretty happy with the outcome. =)
I'm planning to make more snowflakes with different designs. After all, Christmas is coming soon! (Not that I celebrate Christmas =.=) So expect more posts on paper quilling!
10.5cm? Wow, that's huge!
Yeap 2 hours doesn't waste your time as long as its a hobby. =)
Keep it up!
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