To blog, or not to blog?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Lately, I felt like posting on a lot of matters. An entry about my 150 over kawaii plushies, maybe one about my addiction for dragon fruit sherbet, another one yakking about me craving for Guardian's Paddington bears, one on my crushes + eye candies in INTI, more entries on paper crafting, a picture entry about my latest shopping spree or maybe my shopping wishlist too.

But you see none of them here. =( Wanna know why?

Coz Lysa doesn't feel like blogging about it. (Lysa can almost hear her fans gasping in horror. I know - AS IF i have fans! Haha. Well, I can always dream, right? =.=)

Somehow, knowing that i have a bunch of friends reading my blog just puts me off. I put in more censorship than i need too, and then i feel that it's just plain stupid to have to censor words when i'm posting something in my OWN blog. Really, girls are just SOOOOO complicated, right?

I mean, i can hear people telling me, "If you're going to have an open blog, then you should already expect people to read it!", or "Make your blog private then!"

Well, in MY point of view, a blog is like a diary. I write down memorable events that had happened to me, whether it's something sad or the opposite. But most of the time, i only have depressed stuffs to write about, while those that are relatively emo-free are just some boring shit - you definitely won't see any post about me skydiving or going mountain climbing, that's for sure.

In compiling these memories, i open up for my friend(s)? closest to my heart to read them WHEN I'M PREPARED FOR THEM TO KNOW ABOUT IT. Of course, I can always make it private, and only allow those whom i want to read it. But really, i might as well just write and email it to whichever fella i want, right?

Either way, some might have noticed that i DID make my blog private for a couple of days. I did it to check through none of the entries are...controversial... I did not really put up anything too personal, nor did i post any secrets that should not be mentioned, other than the overly depressed post i had earlier in the blog. I certainly did not regret what i've written here.

But i have to say that should i have NOT known that my blog is being read by my peers, it would've been much more juicier than what it had been, and what it will be in the future. =)

I'm pretty sure that new posts will come soon. (i hope) For some reason, I have a strong desire to keep this blog alive. Once i have had my conflicting feelings about this blog being not-so-personal sorted out, you'll see some action going on. Hopefully my decision will involve the continuation of this blog instead of the birth of a depressed-filled private blog.