Why "Recollected Memories"...?

Monday, September 22, 2008

1.06am, Monday, September 22, 2008

Friendster Horoscope for September 22, 2008

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
In detail
Old things can be new and exciting for you, right now. And old flame could pop back up on the scene and shake up your world. An old photo might stir up some strange new feelings. Even a song on the oldies station could send your imagination off in a new-and-exciting direction. There is real opportunity in these blasts from the past, so explore them as much as time allows, today. You have learned lessons, and these touchstones to the past will remind you what they were.

The bottom line
You've learned lessons. Today, a blast
from the past will remind you what they were.

Cancer zodiac sign, curi-ed from www.astrology.ca =)

I tend to daydream and recall the past a lot when I'm not concentrating on something that i'm doing. And today's horoscope reading just further proves that it's true. (Lysa doesn't usually trust horoscope readings and such, but her Friendster horoscope has been spot on right about many things multiple times. It's hard for her not to trust it at times. So now you know! =D )

DNAngel Anime box set, featuring Niwa Daisuke (left) and Dark Mousy (right)

Of course, being a rabit fan of the anime DNAngel, it's only proper to give a tribute to the series by quoting after one of it's episode entitled Recollected Memories...

And so, Recolleced Memories is born! A place for Lysa to rant about her past and random nonsense crap!